Thursday, November 4, 2010

Xperia X10 Speed Up

Xperia X10 is in a sense a comparably fast device, but it's as fast as many other android smartphones because of it's OS. Most of x10's "allies" are already running Android 2.2. aka Froyo, which we all know that the fastest OS ever build until now.

So I benchmarked my X10 2 times, and I got 2 different results, 1st test gave me 498 points, which is not that high - I assume it was because my system was overloaded when I ran the test, which later gave me a slightly higher result of 502.

But after I installed SetCPU from the market, things changed. The app overclocks your processor and makes it run faster if you choose "perfomance" option, you you can set it to "energy saver" and many other profiles. The picture you see here is a screenshot from my yesterday's test and my record so far...

Try it yourself, maybe you will like what you see... You have to have a rooted device in order to install SetCPU.

Watch my video, and make sure yourselves. Whoever beats my record, please, make sure to let me know :)



  1. @ All

    Guys, my website is ready and you can now download thousands of apps, games and widgets for free. Visit:

  2. what was your score? i had 519 on my x10 mini pro. haha..

  3. @ dickson,

    I usually get around 580 on mini pro :)

  4. wow 580... by the way, what do you mean when you say your phone was "rooted"? does it boost the phone's performance?

  5. @ dickson,
    Sorry there, been to busy with my new website. Root your phone means, become "administrator" of your phone, delete anything you want, put anything you want, and do anything you want on your phone. "Root Your Phone" means "Own Your Phone" :)

  6. hmmm.. i see.. so i can delete those pre-installed apps that i dont need. :) right now, when i download an app from the market and install it to my phone my internal memory gets lower and my phone performs slower. Question, if I root my phone, can i put a setting that when i download an app from the market and install it, the app will use the sd card memory instead of the internal memory? after upgrading my software to 2.1 i had a 145mb(i forgot the exact) of internal memory.. now i only have 50+mb...

  7. hey John... I need your help here ! I use a X10 in US through AT&T & not able to root through many different way shown on XDA. now I see ppl using froyo & my system is not even rooted ! my Rom is R2CA016 & none of the options work also I tried the app called Z4root but it just says rooted & I'm not able to download apps that needs a root !

    Any kinda help will be appreciated !

  8. @ Yatin,

    Hi there, I suppose you have 2.1 if you wanted to root it with z4root...?If yes, go to my other post here,and try that tool. that's my advise. you have to be really patient if you're going to use this method, since from outside, it seems that you're in the loop... in that case, you would just have to remove USB, and restart your phone, restart the root program, and try it all over again, I'm sure it should work out in 3-4 attempts (maximuM). you will still feel like you're in the loop, but that is normal. just be as patient as you can :)

    if not, if you're running 1.6, then Universal Androot is the best one click solution, also, you can download x10root.apk file which roots your phone with a click....


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